Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Snow ride report (12-11-07)

We got another 1-2" of snow yesterday, the snow we got last week (~6") had alot of tracks on it so todays ride was pretty good. Definately overdressed, but that is better than not dressing warm enough.
It was still below freezing when I went out this morning, which provided decent traction. Again the old trusty Rampage up front was a little sketchy, but the Mtn King did great. Once I got to the trails I let out the air pressure on both tires, this increased the tire foot print and worked great to "float" on the soft and sorta crunchy snow. With this much snow I didn't have to worry about pinch flatting on roots or rocks, as it feels pretty smooth out there. Pretty happy with the performance of the tires today, no real need for studs yet.

Here are some crappy cell phone pix:

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