Monday, December 31, 2007

Birthday ride 2007

Yesterday (December 30th) was my 33rd birthday, and I like to go for rides on that day no matter what, so damn all the snow we have been getting lately, there were some warm (40 deg F) days, so people must be out there hiking, etc.

Tom G and I headed out to the "Rock" around 7:30am. It was chilly but no wind, I haven't ridden the mtn bike in a while, the chain was rusty, the tires a little low in pressure from the last snow ride, etc....We wanted to get out on the trails before the sun really got time to melt the snow. We went up to the trestle parking lot and headed in on the first trail on the right. It was surprisingly good, you had to work some sections, walk some sections, but others were faster than normal. The footsteps and ski tracks packed down the snow good, (no bike tire tracks!) and if you veered off the trail a little you were coming to an immediate stop. This got real fun on the down hill sections as you would endo over the bars, etc.

We decided to stay on the south side, it would be a epic ride in length of time, but not distance with these conditions. The important part was that we had a blast! Fun to be out in the woods, cruising along, earning every second with leg busting turns of the cranks.

The last bit of trail we rode, we figured out that if you went off the trail, you could stay on top of the 1+ feet of snow and it was awesome. Then we went over the RR tracks, and down the side apple tree trail, same thing, off to the side and WOW we were flying down the hill, I was smiling ear to ear, then at the end my front tire sank to the quick release and some how I managed to hop over the handle bars and land on my feet! Laughing the whole time.


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