Tuesday, February 28, 2006

No child left behind.

That's what my wife told me, when I asked why my 5 year old daughter who has been able to read and write for about a year, started writing words like it was from a ebonics textbook. She actually was spoken to about writing words the correct way and not writing just how they sound.
I can't help but hear the afternoon kindergarten teacher say to the class:
"May I have your attention class, it appears that some of you aren't following this lesson's instructions, we aren't writing words as your parents taught you, we are writing words so that the slow kids in class learn to write words the wrong way, just to add to the confusion, and further help their demise integrating into society."
Funny thing is, I just got done talking to someone who was thinking of moving to my town, and telling them how good the school system is.
The only thing I can hope is that 1st grade is a little better.
Do the make kids stay back in kindergarten?
Oh, wait, no child left behind--> Pass'em, it'll cost the school district more to keep them back.
It will definately be cheaper to enroll them in un-employment in 15 years because their rez-oo-may has all the-eez spel-in er-oars!
So, like everything in America nowadays, we cater to the dumb, and/or lazy.


Check back soon for my thoughts on the lack of responsibility we (Americans in general) cater too!

1 comment:

J said...

Well? Where's the rant on the lack of responsibility? Do I need to set up a ride and not show up in order to piss you off enough to write it?