Tuesday, April 19, 2005

Friday, April 08, 2005

Can the U.S. be oil free by 2050?

Can the U.S. be oil free by 2050?
MSN Money link related to this
We could be free faster than that, I mean I can take a picture and e-mail it with my cellular phone.

Thursday, April 07, 2005

Red Sox win 3rd game of the season!

Red Sox win 3rd game of the season!
They lost the first two to the Evil empire, but yesterday was great.
Mariano Rivera blew a save, gave up 5 runs, no help from A-Rod who bobbled what could have been the game ending double play, and got booh-ed by the ever faithful New York fans as he was relieved.
Ha Ha Ha
It's still way too early and we are down a game, but really for me the season doesn't start until the first pitch is thrown in Fenway.
159 games to go........

The world could use.....

....... more people like Mr. MacCready

Follow the link to a webpage on Mr. Paul MacCready

He was behind the designing and building of the human powered plane that flew across the English channel. Interesting read.

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Spring is finally here in New England

Got out at lunch and did a road ride today, even though all I had with me was my cold weather gear (long sleeve jersey and pants)I was a little over dressed, but it was great to be out and not freezing.
I ended up taking my gloves off and stuffing them in my jersey pocket.
I'm going down a hill and as I get close to the bottom I get passed by a car and it slows down about 50ft in front of me, I can see a hand pop out of the window and the passenger window starts to roll down.
Here is the dialogue:
Driver:"You lost your glove back there."
Me:"Oh, thanks"
Driver:"No problem."

I felt like such a 'tard.

Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Interested readings on Iraq-insiders view

I was pointed to 2 Iraqi blogs today, interesting, check them out:

Imad Khadduri- I don't agree with everything he has here, but...it provides an interesting point of view for me, the "dumb American" as he calls all 300 million of us.

"Free Iraq blog"

Riverbend, a Iraqi female whose blog comes accross as humorous in some spots.

"Baghdad Burning blog"